Ways To Give
Since 1917, our students have received an exemplary Christian education as thanks to the kind donations of our alumni and supporter from the community. In realizing our mission to provide a Christ-centered and loving atmosphere, teach enduring tenets and promote wise decision-making, our professors and staff strive to motivate and educate our students.
We are appreciative of the kind, consistent donations made by our donors, board members, alumni, volunteers, staff, and community members as our school grows today. We depend on financial gifts of all sizes from our community to keep our school revolutionary and to deliver top-notch instruction. You have an influence on our students’ lives when you donate to Miami Union Adventist Academy. Your gifts give students access to priceless materials, expand their academic possibilities, and—above all—allow them to advance their knowledge and faith. You have an impact!
Visit us! We look forward to meeting with you. Together, we can see what God has in store for MUAA while striving to deliver top-notch Adventist Christian education!
Edwin M. Silie, Director of Advancement
305.953.9907 Edwin.Silie@muasda.org
There are several ways to give to support Miami Union Adventist Academy. Our annual MUAA Impact Fund provides for projects and programs that benefit the school. Gifts to our endowment go to support things like financial aid, music, maintenance, professional development and more. For gifts that go directly to student aid, our Jaguar Fund provides assistance for students in need. Alumni Giving provides a means for long-term financial sustainability for MUAA.
To determine if your contribution qualifies for income tax deduction purposes, please refer to https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p526.pdf
Miami Union Adventist Academy is 501C3 Tax Exempt Organization EIN #85-8012644432C-3.
305-953-9907 edwin.silie@muasda.org
Mission: To provide a loving Christian environment That educates, edifies, and equips students to achieve success today, tomorrow, and for eternity.
English: In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Click here for more information.
Haitian-Creole Kreyol: Dapre lwa federal dwa sivil yo ak règleman ak politik sou dwa sivil Depatman Agrikilti Etazini (USDA), enstitisyon sa a entèdi pou fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal, sèks, andikap, laj, oswa reprezay oswa vanjans pou aktivite dwa sivil anvan yo. cliquez ici pour plus d’informations
Spanish: Para todos los demás programas de asistencia de nutrición del FNS, agencias estatales o locales y sus subreceptores, deben publicar la siguiente Declaración de No Discriminación: De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos civiles y las normas y políticas de derechos civiles del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA), esta entidad está prohibida de discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad, o represalia o retorsión por actividades previas de derechos civiles. Precione aqui para mas informacion.
English: If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request. Please email: info@muasda.org
Haitian-Creole Kreyol: Si ou gen difikilte pou konprann anglè oswa ou gen yon andikap, asistans lengwistik gratis oswa lòt èd ak sèvis disponib sou demann. Écrivez à l’adresse suivante: info@muasda.org
Spanish: Si tiene dificultades para entender la lengua inglesa o presenta una discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia lingüística y otros tipos de ayuda y servicios sin coste alguno. Escriba al siguiente carreo el electrónico: info@muasda.org